Reasons to be thankful


As we come to the end of the year, I’ve been taking a few moments to count my blessings and consider all the things that I am thankful for….

For one thing, I am incredibly grateful to my customers. I really do have lovely customers, many of whom I now consider to be friends. Through farmers’ markets and craft fairs, I’ve been given the chance to chat to many of you. We’ve discussed everything from family life, to the wider world. Many of my customers have given me some really valuable advice about how I can grow and develop my skincare business, and I love knowing that I have people who believe in what I’m doing and want to see me succeed.

Business-wise, 2015 has had its ups and downs, and at times it’s been a pretty steep learning curve. But I’m grateful that I’ve learnt so much about running a business over the year, as well as finding out more about my customers and what they’re looking for, which means I can find ways to better meet their needs.

Of course, I am thankful for my family. I have lovely, healthy, ambitious children, who support me, and of whom I am immensely proud. My husband is very hard working, and although he doesn’t interfere, I know that I can rely on him when the going gets tough. His manner used to irritate me (it still does at times!); often it can be so brusque that it gets me down, but he's always there when I come across a serious issue.

I’ve even tried to learn something from my mother-in-law, who can get the better of me at times. She's been living with me for the past 16 years, so that's not really surprising. She’s taught me that sometimes looking at things in simple ways can help either to solve a problem, or to accept it if needs be.

Most of all I am grateful for the strong, rewarding bond that I have with my granddaughter. She's only a toddler, but she’s already proving to be an intelligent, bright little girl, with a strong character. And she’s such fun to be around.

I think it’s important to recognise and be thankful for our own strengths. I'm fortunate to have my health, my wild imagination and the drive to attempt new projects all the time. This drive and the restlessness that comes with it, has meant that I have never been able to settle into a quiet (dare I say boring), everyday life, but have pushed myself to try new things, throw myself into new ventures, and experience life in all its glory.

I also admire nature. Even winter has its own charm and personality. It is in a state of slumber at the moment, but it needs that too. The night sky is beautiful in winter time, as are the sunrises and sunsets. I'm very fortunate to be living in a country which has welcomed me, given me confidence and provided me with so many opportunities.

I would like to take this chance to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year filled with reasons to be thankful.

I’d love to hear what you’re grateful for this Christmas. Tweet me @NaryndaSkincare, and I’ll share your thoughts.